Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Day 27 (18/6/2011): 宜兰之旅 1-day trip to YiLan

  Yay!! The day have finally arrived. Off I go to YiLan, to meet my prince (my fav Ah Zong Yam Ice-cream!!). Haha... I've been missing him so badly since our first encounter!! Shh.. actually, my main purpose to go to YiLan is not for the day trip, it is to meet my prince!!

  I had to wake up rather early in the morning, as the bus will depart from GL at 7am. So.. ya... I can't remember when's the last time I get to sleep in late! But never mind about that,  what's the problem about not getting to sleep in when you have the chance to travel to another part of the city, right?

  Breakfast: Iced-coffee without sugar and also bamboo-shoot bun.

  I was surprised that you can sing karaoke in the bus!!! @.@ There's no such facility in Malaysia's bus, are there? And the seats were realy comfortable.. Awww.... pleasant seat, pleasant sleep!! Haha... We passed through this tunnel, which is called Snow-Mountain Tunnel 雪山隧道 and reached Yi Lan in around 1 hour. According to Chiao, without this tunnel, it might takes up to 2-3 hours to reach Yi Lan!! Wow~~

  I found something about Yi Lan rather interesting. That is, you get to see scarecrow everywhere!! Not only in the paddy field, but also in the river and also for decoration purpose!!! Don't believe it?

  We visited the Lan Yang Museum (兰阳博物馆)。The shape of the museum was like a building falling down halfway, kind of weird, but I have to say I am amazed by the architecture. XD For one thing, I don't really think that this is a museum actually. It's more like an exhibition hall, exhibiting the aboriginal people, the Atayal People about how they live with the nature. It also exhibited the past of Yi Lan, like how it was destroyed by typhoon and how the people rebuilt it. It also showcased what the people of Yi Lan did for living in the past, their house, their activities etc.

*That's the building.

*Map of Yi Lan.

*The surrounding of the museum.

*Interior of the museum.

  We stopped next for our lunch in a restaurant. Nothing special about the lunch, but the dessert was what I've been anticipating for the whole day!! Ah Zong Yam Ice-cream 阿宗芋冰!This is it this is it!! Finally!!!

*Another dessert, the orange-coloured-like-baby-tomatoes fruit is some kind of dates. It was really sour, but it tasted nice anc refreshing enough for summer heat!

  The next stop was at a liquor factory. Not for me, it's more for Mong Huey!!! It's such a waste she wasn't there with me. Haha.. they even have free liquor testing session. Yikes~ not for me either. But I did try some liquor coffee, its something like bailey irish coffee.. nice and creamy! Yum yum~!!

  Our next stop was at 松罗步道。It's some famous hiking spot for the locals. Yikes~ I hate this. Since there were a few people who didnt want to hike, so I stayed with them under the shade, sipping nice hot tea and enjoying refreshing watermelon. Haha.. lazy me!!

  I discovered something unique. According to the older generation aunties, there's a kind of leaves in the wild, which has this line or a folding, which indicates the number of typhoon for that year. If there's 1 line, means there'll be 1 typhoon. So, as this leave indicates, there'll be 1 strong typhoon this year. When? I don't know, nor can the leave tells. Cool huh~

    Finally, spicy soup was served for dinner. I havent eaten any spicy food since I came to Taiwan!!! Almost 30 days without spicy food!!! Miss u so much!!! And there's this special dessert. Its not jelly. Its the gum in seaweed. When you boil and cook it long enough, it'll curdle and become something like jelly!! It's really nice~!! Food Tech knowledge again~ XD

韵丽 笔

Day 26 (17/6/2011): Graduation Party

  Another few more days till graduation... Not me of course. I mean, graduation for the 6th graders!! Haha.. Hmm.. How do I feel about the graduation ceremony? Nah~ I don't feel anything. It's not like I'm the one who's going to graduate or what. Sigh~ 2 more years to go, before I'll receive any graduation bouquet or wishes!! Haha.. Living to the fullest as a student now! Gotta appreciate the time I'm still left with as a student.

  So that night, we had a graduation party for the 6th graders at a buffet-style steakhouse, 贵族世家牛排。However, I don't feel any "royalty" at this place. The steak wasnt as nice as the steak at the other shop where I said you had to queue up for hours. Not even half as nice. Yucks~! Ya, but well... it's the purpose of the party that's important, that is to have a celebration for the 6th graders for completing their elementary studies (primary studies, in Malaysia) and are finally ready for Juniro High School (Secondary school, in Malaysia).

  All of them got wild and crazy that night. Chit-chatting away loudly and made so much noise!! Haha.. I trully understand how they feel. I've also experienced this kind of feeling, back when I was about to graduate from S.J.K (c) Wen Hua, my alma mater!!! I love you, Wen Hua!!!

韵丽 笔


  那一刻,我热泪盈眶… 感伤的背景音乐、昏暗的灯光、一张张记载着满满回忆的照片、老师哽咽着叮咛、学生们的啜泣声… 催泪效果可是一级棒的哟!再者,或许我并没有在风风雨雨中变得想象中的坚强,依然还是从前温室里那个眼浅爱哭的小花,所以,我又哭了。
  典礼开始以前,整着队的毕业生中,好几位女生早已哭花了脸、哭红了双眼… 哈哈~ 当下我“噗嗤”一声笑了出来,丝毫没有被现场离别依依的气氛所感染,狠下心只想当个观礼者。步入会场,到处都是彩心形、花形的色缤纷气球,身在其中,只觉得“嗌?是儿童节吗?”而不是毕业典礼现场。我并没有乖乖找个位子座好观礼,反而来个“会场走透透,照片大拍特拍”,一心想秉着我老爸专业摄影师的精神(当然,我还只是个摄影菜鸟而已~),把一切一切美好的、感人的通通摄下来,好让这些回忆能够永远的烙在脑里心里。
  典礼中,一个接一个的师长致词、勉励,让我开始觉得无趣无聊。没有感动没有不舍得毕业典礼! 唱完校歌后,重点戏陆续登场了!来咯来咯~
  酸酸的心,热热的眼眶… 眼浅的我,又不知不觉地红了双眼,掉起泪来… 被老师的温馨叮咛感动、被毕业生的不舍感动… 我仿佛回到了十年前,那个哭得眼睛肿肿、依依不舍离开文化的我。我国小的毕业典礼,也跟这群学生一样,对陪伴了自己六年的母校有好深的感情、好多的不舍。对于文化小学,我是非常引以为傲的,更是常常把“文化是我的母校!”“我是文化的毕业生”挂在嘴边。
  我的国小毕业典礼,是以沙哑的声音、红通通的脸颊、还有很多很多的不舍划下句点的。当耳边响起“生平良朋不能相忘……”时,大家的情绪霎那间变得低落不已,好不舍啊!多么的不想离开母校,不想跟这温馨的大家庭说再见… 天下无不散之筵席,道理很简单,你懂我也懂。然而在离别的当下,什么道理也都通通管不着了… 上台和老师们拥抱道别时,一手拭泪一手捂着嘴巴,想以最美的姿态在文化留下最后的回忆。只是伤感的台风来袭,哭得不能自己,反而在文化留下了好丑的一面。T.T 眼看着平时一副严肃凶巴巴的老师们也开始拭泪哽咽,觉得好内疚,竟然把老师们也惹哭了。只是,心里还是被老师的真情流露打动,好爱老师好舍不得老师!一班好朋友哭成一团,互相拥抱互相勉励,承诺永远也不会把大家给忘了,一直珍惜彼此间的感情。
  带着深深的不舍,最终还是沉重的踏出了母校… 我知道,身体虽然离开了,但依然心系母校。

 韵丽 笔

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Day 24 (15/6/2011): B.A.S.E.B.A.L.L. time ~I Don't Dance~

  HSM fans!!! What comes across your mind when you hear this song?? Yep!! B.A.S.E.B.A.L.L.!!! I had to take part in the baseball competition today~!! Yikes~!! I've never hold the batter before, let aside knowing the rules of baseball.. I'm so gonna make a fool of myself!! NO!!!! Can you imagine me, Vivian Tan wearing the face mask, helmet, blah blah blah and holding the batter, getting for the ball??? Haha...

  I was very nervous that I kept finding excuses to not participate in the game. Aih~~ But to no avail. I cant get myself out of this. So.. "into" the game I go!!!

  However, luckily this isn't the real baseball. It's called "乐乐棒". It's some kind of fun-sport. It's not really that difficult after all. Haha.. i managed to hit the ball and even made a homerun!!! I think it's called 全垒打 or something like that. Not very sure of all these terms, yet I'm not interested enough to take the trouble and look up for this! Haha.. the most important reason is that i'm lazy. Oolala~~

  Haha... One very funny thing about this game was that, almost every lady teacher (including me of course!!) went to the baseball field, with only our eyes being revealed. Hmm... imagine muslims. Haha.. Ya right. We put on long sleeve jacekets, long sweatpants, caps, sunnies, face mask etc... Haha.. The sun was really scary!! I don't wanna be tanned nor get skin cancer!!!!

  Eeeww... the sun was so angry that he used up all his energy and roasted us like chicken. Kennt Rogers, anyoe??

韵丽 笔

Monday, 20 June 2011

Day 23 (14/6/2011): Rosie's Walk

  I entered the Situation Classroom for the first time today!! Together with Teacher Joanne, we did some Rosie's Walk activity.

  Aww.. Can I have every classes in the Situation Classroom? The weather is sooooo hot and it would be extremely nice to teach in an air-cond room.

  Rosie is actually a hen, who went out for a walk before her dinner. As she walked in the farm, across the yard, over the haystack, around the pond, passed the mill, through the fence and also under the beehives, there's this cunning fox who's been following her, waiting for chances to hunt her down and be his dinner. I wonder does the bad character always ends up in trouble? The fox fell into the pond. He was buried by the haystack, covered with white flour and also being stung by bees. Lol.. well.. thats what children stories are all about. You have to be good to stay out of trouble.

  I'm not the only who got excited to be in the Situation Classroom. The kids got so excited that they are hardly controllable. Gosh.. So much that I like the Situation Classroom, the more I wish they would behave, even though I have to be contented with only the fan in the normal classroom.

  Aiyaya.. next tuesday will repeat the same routine in the Situation Classroom. Hope everything gets under control!!!

韵丽 笔

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Day 19 (10/6/2011): Lost In Time Tunnel

  Jiu Fen (九份)!! Here I come. Jiu Fen is the very place I wanted to visit again, after my first visit a few years back. It's located on top of a hill and this small town was developed because of the gold mining activity years back. Initially, there were only 9 families living here. Whenever they order something to be sent to them from the lowland, they will order 9 sets. And thus, the name, 九份 (literally means 9 sets).

  I have a strong and deep affection for the winding alleys and rough steps, all in dark brown stones and also the wooden crafted pillars. The exact view that I've wanted so badly to set my eyes on, and pretending that I've travelled in a time machine to go back to some ten or hundred years back, and immersing myself in this oh-so-calm sensation.

This is B, from England. <3

  The last time I came was in spring. The wind then was really strong and cold. I had to hold my jackets as tightly as possible because I feared that I might be freezed into ice sculpture. Lol... This time, its SUMMER!! At first, I thought it would be slightly chilly up there. Who knows, it's as hot as in Taipei. Gosh.. Hmm... I wonder does the affection for Jiu Fen has anything to do with the weather? I don't seem to feel the same way for it anymore. Somehow, a lil' disappointed. Is it because it's too hot now? I missed the chilly air and breezy wind here. Aww...... typhoon, come come come!!!

  Haha.. ok. Food talk now! According to the information that we searched online, there are a few types of food that we ought to try. They are the specialties of Jiu Fen.

  The first food that we tried was on the sweet side. It was a sweet popiah, wrapping peanuts and also ice cream in it. The funny part was that they add in additional "smelly vege" (I dont know what is it called. I only know that I hate this vege. So, mine was without the vege. XD). While waiting for ours, we observed the way they prepared this dessert. The uncle grated a HUGE chunk of peanut (Oolala.. my fav!!) and put a whole handful of it on the popiah skin. Then, the aunty scooped 2 large servings of homemade pineapple ice cream on it and wrapped it up. Saliva dripping! Aww.. It was so refreshing to have ice cream melting in your mouth with the aroma of peanut lingering in your mouth long after you swallowed it. I'm seriously in heaven!!! <3

  We also tried this famous meaty stuff. Its called 紅糟肉圓.Frankly, I've no idea how this is made. The only thing I know was that in this meat ball, there are some meat and also chunks of bamboo shoot. Hmm.. I don't fancy this.

These are the uncook ones. The read colour stuffs are the meat, while the yellowish ones are the bamboo shoot. They will cover the fillings with another layer of the whitish stuff.

  For dessert, we tried the yam ball ice. For me, I think its more or less like our glutinous rice ball, only with chunks of yam in it. It was eaten with other beans like red bean, green bean and also peanut with ice and syrup. You can have a hot one, but considering the hot weather, we opted for the cold one! Who else would want to eat hot stuff when the weather is already killing you with the heat???

  The next thing we tried was called "Little Grass Kuih" or "草仔粿" in mandarin. They have 4 types of paste, which is red bean (the sweet one) as well as the salted paste, which are green bean, salted vegetables and also "cai po". We tried red and green bean. I should say that it is something like kuih koci, soft and sticky skin. The only difference is that the skin of this "little Grass Kuih" tasted like herbs, which kuih koci doesn't. I personally prefer the sweet red bean one to the salted green bean paste kuih. Well.. girls always prefer sweet stuff to saltish stuff. I wouldn't say I like this kuih, but I don't hate it either. Its just.... so-so only. Haha..

  This man is really cool. When he saw me taking photos of him and his merchandises, he quickly "show-off" his talent and performed a lot of songs for us. Lol.. So syok sendiri!!! But I have to admit that he's really talented. Thumbs up!!

  And as we continued our journey, we came by this stall. Aha~~ I was searching for you. I remembered clearly that I tried this during my last trip. Haha.. It's still at the same place.

I've seen many types of fishball, shrimpball, squidball etc.. But this it the first time I see sharkball. Lol.. Can't tell how it taste like as I don't have the guts to try this. Haha..

  We came to this house a.k.a shop, where the owner displays all the antiques and junk stuffs and also some traditional costumes and headgears. You can stay as long as you wish and take as many photos as your camera can keep. The charge is only 20NTD for student. Cool huh~ We enjoyed dressing up and playing pretend and posting for the camera. Lol.. It was like when we were still a kid, trying on our mum's dresses and walking in her high heels. Haha..

  Before we end our trip, we stopped at this shop selling scented lotions, lip balm, soap etc... *breathing deeply* Nice and comforting smell. Hey wait.. We spotted something. Is that a postcard stand?? Absolutely right about it. It works this way. You pick you choice of postcard and fill the postcards with coloured pens and also cute stamps! After that, just drop it in the mailboxoutside the shop, and TADA~~~ your postcard will be sent out in no time~ As simple as ABC~~

Dear postman, do send my postcard to my beloved family in its best condition, Thank you!!

  Before we leave Jiu Fen... Ok Ok!! The scented shop was suppose to be our last stop, but we just happened to walk pass this shop, selling candies and chocolates in funny and weird packaging. We just have to step inside and explore!!! We laughed until our lungs nearly went out of air. Haha...

This is in the form of pad.

Wow~~ bra candy~!!!

For those who are sitting for their exams (its the exam season in Taiwan), all the best!!!

  The last thing I had in Jiu Fen was this fruity Guava Juice. No DEHP, rest assured!! I saw the tauke blending it right in front of me, and even "tariking" it. Can you see it? I should call this Guava Tarik!! Haha.. FYI,  Everyone is being paranoid in Taiwan at the moment!! DEHP!!!! Argh~!!!

  For a change, we took the train on our way back. Surprisingly, it was much faster than the bus and much much cheaper (although I don't have a seat and have to stand for the whole 50 minutes journey)! I should've taken the train earlier!! Aiyaya~~~

  So, that's all about my half day trip to Jiu Fen~!!!

韵丽 笔